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Fátima Duarte Investigadora Principal Doutoramento em Ciências da Saúde Universidade do Minho Maine Medical Center Research Institute, USA
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PhD in Health Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal in collaboration with Maine Medical Center Research Institute, Scarborough, Maine, USA (2006)
Graduation in Biochemistry by Science Faculty, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal (2001
CEBAL- Centre of agronomic and Agro-Industrial biotechnology of Alentejo, Beja, Portugal
Coordinator of Bioactive Compounds Research Group
ICVS - Institute of Health Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
Health Sciences School, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal and Center for Molecular Medicine, Maine Medical Center Research Institute, Scarborough, ME, USA
IPATIMUP - Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Biochemistry and health sciences; bioactive compounds and their pharmacologic and toxicologic actions; triterpenic acids; sesquiterpenic lactones; sustainable use of raw materials as well as residues derived from agro-food and forest industries
Duarte M., Kolev, V., Soldi, R., Kirov, A., Graziani, I., Oliveira, S.M., Kacer, D., Friesel, R., Maciag, T., and Prudovsky, I. Thrombin induces rapid PAR1-mediated non-classical FGF1 release. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2006; Nov 24; 350(3):604-9.
Nikopoulos, G.N., Duarte, M., Kubu, C.J., Bellum, S., Friesel, R., Maciag, T., Prudovsky, I., and Verdi, J.M. Soluble Jagged1 attenuates lateral inhibition allowing for the clonal expansion of neural crest stem cells. Stem Cells. 2007; 25(12):3133-3142.
Duarte, M., Kolev, V., Kacer, D., Graziani, I., Soldi, R., Maciag, T., and Prudovsky, I. Thrombin cleaves Jagged1, forming a soluble Jagged1 form biologically active. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2008 Nov;19(11):4863-4874.
Mota, I., Pinto, P.C.R, Novo, C., Sousa, G., Guerreiro, O., Guerra, A., Duarte, M.F., and Rodrigues, A. E. Extraction of polyphenolic compounds from Eucalyptus globulus bark: process optimization and screening for biological activity. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2012 May; 51(20):6991-7000.
Kirov, A., Duarte, M., Guay, J., Karolak, M., Yan, C., Oxburgh, L., and Prudovsky, I. Transgenic expression of nonclassically secreted FGF suppresses kidney repair. PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e36485. Epub 2012 May 14.
Guerreiro, O., Velez, Z., Alvarenga, N., Matos, C., and Duarte, M. Molecular screening of ovine mastitis in different breeds. J Dairy Science. 2013; 96(2): 752-760.
Ramos, P., Santos, S.A.O., Guerra, A.R., Guerreiro, O., Felicio, L., Jerónimo, E., Silvestre, A.J.D., Neto, C.P., Duarte M. Valorisation of olive mill residues antioxidant and breast cancer antiproliferative activities of hydroxytyrosol-rich extracts derived from olive oil by-products. Industrial Crops and Products 2013; (46) 359-368.
Gomes, F.P., Silva, N., Trovatti, E., Serafim L.S., Duarte, M., Silvestre,A.J.D., Freire C.S.R. Production of Bacterial Cellulose by Gluconacetobacter sacchari using dry olive mill residue. Bioenergy and Biomass. 2013; 55:205-211.
Ramos, A.B.P., Guerra, A.R., Guerreiro, O., Freire, C.S.R., Silva, A.M.S., Duarte, M.F., and Silvestre, A.J.D. Lipophilic extracts of Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC): A source of valuable bioactive terpenic compounds. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2013, 61(35):8420–8429.
Domingues, R.M.A., Guerra, A.R., Duarte, M., Freire, C.S.R., Neto, C.P., Silva, C.M.S., and Silvestre, A.J.D. Bioactive triterpenic acids: from agroforestry biomass residues, to promising therapeutic tools. Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry. 2014, 11:382-399.
Parreira, P., Duarte, M.F., Reis, C.A. and Martins, M.C.L. Helicobacter pylori infection: A brief overview on alternative natural treatments to conventional therapy. Critical Reviews in Microbiology. 2014, 7828:1–12.
Ramos, A.B.P., Santos, S.A.O. Guerra, A.R., Guerreiro, O., Freire, C.S.R., Silva, A.M.S., Duarte, M.F., and Silvestre, A.J.D. Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of different morphological parts of Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC). Industrial Crops and Products. 2014, 61:460-471.
Duarte, M. Potencial biológico de resíduos derivados da agro-indústria: os exemplos do bagaço de azeitona e da casca do eucalipto". Semana da Ciência e Tecnologia da Universidade de Évora. Abril 18, 2013. Évora, Portugal
Ramos, P. A. B., Guerra, A. R., Guerreiro, O., Oliveira, H., Freire, C. R. S., Silvestre, A. J. D., Duarte, M. F., Antitumoral potential of Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis DC terpenic extracts on MDA-MB-231 cells, 7th National Meeting on Cell Signalling, 6 e 7 de Dezembro de 2013, Aveiro, Portugal.
Guerra, A.R., Soares, B., Guerreiro, O., Ramos, P., Oliveira, H., Silvestre, A.J.D. Freire, C., Duarte, M.F. Anti-tumoral activity od lipophilic Eucalyptus bark extracts enriched on triterpenic acids, against breast cancer cells. 62nd International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research - GA 2014. Guimarães, Portugal. 31st August-4th September, 2014.
Duarte, M. Braga, Portugal 2006 “Mechanism utilized by growth factors and cytokines in angiogenesis: role of thrombin in the cross-talk between the FGF1 and Notch1 signaling pathways”
Prudovsky, I., Maciag, T., Kolev, V., Kacer, D., and Duarte, M. Novel isolated nucleic acid encoding Jagged1 or Delta1 intracellular domain polypeptide, useful for inhibiting or preventing angiogenesis, for induction apoptosis, and induction or inhibition senescent-like cell phenotype” (WO2006125001-A2).
2014- Prémio de Inovação para a Sustentabilidade - EBAEpis
A Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, I.P., em colaboração com a Direção Geral das Atividades Económicas, o BCSD Portugal Conselho Empresarial para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável e a GCI
2013- Green Project Awards, na categoria de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Green Project Awards
2001- Prémio da Fundação Pedro Barrié de La Maza, Conde de Fenos Real Acad de Medicina y Cirurgia de Galiza