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Informação geral - Equipa científicaDraft do genoma do sobreiro - População de sobreiros F1Publicações - Recursos Quercus |
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Artigo draft genoma sobreiro
RAMOS, A.M., USIÉ, A., BARBOSA, P., BARROS, P.M., CAPOTE, T., CHAVES, I., SIMÕES, F., ABREU, I., CARRASQUINHO, I., FARO, C., GUIMARÃES, J.B., MENDONÇA, D., NÓBREGA, F., RODRIGUES, L., SAIBO, N., VARELA, M.C., EGAS, C., MATOS, J., MIGUEL, C.M., OLIVEIRA, M.M., RICARDO, C.P., GONÇALVES, S., 2018. The draft genome sequence of cork oak. Scientific Data, 5, 180069.
Comunicaçoes em congressos cientificos
RAMOS, A.M., GENOSUBER CONSORTIUM, 2016. Sequenciação do genoma do sobreiro: projecto Genosuber. Simpósio Internacional do Montado, Beja, Portugal, 7 October
RAMOS, A.M., GENOSUBER CONSORTIUM, 2016. The draft assembly and annotation of the cork oak (Quercus suber L.) genome. 5th Bioinformatics Open Days, Braga, Portugal, 18-19 February
RAMOS, A.M., GENOSUBER CONSORTIUM, 2015. The draft assembly and annotation of the cork oak (Quercus suber L.) genome. Fisiologia Vegetal, XXI Meeting of the Spanish Society of Plant Physiology, XIV Iberian Meeting of Plant Physiology, Toledo, Spain, 14-17 June
CHAVES, I., GENOSUBER CONSORTIUM, 2015. The Genosuber project: initial sequencing and annotation of the cork oak (Quercus suber L.) genome. IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference “Forests: the importance to the planet and society”, Florence, Italy, 8-12 June.
GONÇALVES, S., GENOSUBER CONSORTIUM, 2014. GENOSUBER – Cork Oak (Quercus suber) Genome Sequencing Project. 2nd Plant Genomics Congress. London, UK, 11-12 May.
VARELA, M.C., GENOSUBER CONSORTIUM, 2014. Controlled pollination in cork oak (Quercus suber L.) to support its genome sequencing project 23rd International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, Porto, Portugal, 13-18 July.
Outras publicações em sobreiro pela equipa do Genosuber
Brígida Meireles, Ana Usié, Pedro Barbosa, Ana Margarida Fortes, André Folgado. Inês Chaves, Isabel Carrasquinho, Rita Lourenço Costa, Sónia Gonçalves, Rita Teresa Teixeira, António Marcos Ramos, Filomena Nóbrega (2018) Characterization of the cork formation and production transcriptome in Quercus cerris × suber hybrids. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, pp 1-15.
USIÉ, A., SIMÕES, F., BARBOSA, P., MEIRELES, B., CHAVES, I., GONÇALVES, S., FOLGADO, A., ALMEIDA, M.H., MATOS, J., RAMOS, A.M., 2017. Comprehensive Analysis of the Cork Oak (Quercus suber) Transcriptome Involved in the Regulation of Bud Sprouting. Forests, vol 8. No. 12. 486.
Inácio V, Barros PM, Costa A, Roussado C, Gonçalves E, Costa R, Graça J, Oliveira MM, Morais-Cecílio L. Differential DNA Methylation Patterns Are Related to Phellogen Origin and Quality of Quercus suber Cork. PLoS One. 2017 Jan 3;12(1):e0169018.
Chaves I, Lin Y-C, Pinto-Ricardo C, Van de Peer Y, Miguel CM (2014) miRNA profiling in leaf and cork tissues of Quercus suber reveals novel miRNAs and tissue-specific expression patterns. Tree Genetics & Genomes 10:721–737.
Modesto I, Miguel C, Pina-Martins F, Glushkova M, Veloso M, S. Paulo O, Batista D (2014) Identifying signatures of natural selection in cork oak (Quercus suber L.) genes through SNP analysis. Tree Genetics & Genomes.
Pereira-Leal JB, Abreu IA, Alabaça CS, Almeida MH, Almeida P, Almeida T, Amorim MI, Araújo S, Azevedo H, Badia A, Batista D, Bohn A, Capote T, Carrasquinho I, Chaves I, Coelho AC, Costa MM, Costa R, Cravador A, Egas C, Faro C, Fortes AM, Fortunato AS, Gaspar MJ, Gonçalves S, Graça J, Horta M, Inácio V, Leitão JM, Lino-Neto T, Marum L, Matos J, Mendonça D, Miguel A, Miguel CM, Morais-Cecílio L, Neves I, Nóbrega F, Oliveira MM, Oliveira R, Pais MS, Paiva JA, Paulo OS, Pinheiro M, Raimundo JA, Ramalho JC, Ribeiro AI, Ribeiro T, Rocheta M, Rodrigues AI, Rodrigues JC, Saibo NJ, Santo TE, Santos AM, Sá-Pereira P, Sebastiana M, Simões F, Sobral RS, Tavares R, Teixeira R, Varela C, Veloso MM, Ricardo CP. A comprehensive assessment of the transcriptome of cork oak (Quercus suber) through EST sequencing. BMC Genomics. 2014 May 15;15:371. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-371. PubMed PMID: 24885229; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4070548.